
Kansas City Rescue Mission is God’s work! And we need God’s people to pray for us as we minister to the lost and hurting homeless who come our way. The primary reason we have been successful and blessed in our endeavors since 1950 is because of the faithful prayer support of a host of people. Would you consider being one of our “faithful prayer partners”… regularly upholding the ministry of the Kansas City Rescue Mission in prayer? Please let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

While specific prayer needs vary from day to day, there are continuing areas that need persistent and fervent prayer. These include:

  • The influence of drugs and alcohol on both men and women who come to the Mission for help. This is especially destructive in the lives of those who have made recent decisions to change their lifestyle and follow God.
  • The men who are participating in the Christian Community of Recovery (C-COR) … a multi-level residential community that helps residents break personal strongholds of defeat through recovery and Bible classes, personal coaching, community service and accountability.
  • Residents in our Transitional Living Center for men who are now preparing to re-enter society.
  • The women we serve and those who will come to receive help and hope at KCRM’s Women’s Center.
  • Those who come each evening for relief services: That they would truly find freedom from their past and hope for their future.
  • The ongoing development of staff and programs at both the Men’s and Women’s Centers, and funding of the Women’s Center.
  • Our committed base of volunteers: That they would consistently find joy, refreshment and fulfillment through their service.
  • The staff of the Kansas City Rescue Mission who compassionately reach out to the lonely and hurting each day so that those in need can find hope and healing.
  • KCRM’s Board of Directors, a group of seven volunteers who provide focus and direction for the Kansas City Rescue Mission’s programs and services.
