Let’s Work Together!

We’ve all heard it or said it before, “I couldn’t have done it without you.” Those words of gratitude have never been truer than when expressed by the staff of the Kansas City Rescue Mission to our donors and supporters!

We absolutely can’t do it without the support of many caring individuals in our community. We need you! Our donors, supporters, volunteers and encouragers are true partners in this ministry to the hurting and homeless.

Kansas City is the “City With a Heart” in the heartland of America. Your friendship to the poor and homeless through the ministry of KCRM is making a difference every day. Thank you! As you browse this section you’ll find many opportunities to continue and enhance your impact to help bring many freedom from the past and hope for the future.

We enourage and appreciate your continued generosity to help our area’s most needy, and we also recognize that you want to offer the right kind of help in the right way. What should you do when approached by someone on the street asking for help, or holding a sign at a street corner?

Below are some helpful tips, adapted from the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, that will give guidance in what to do… and what not to do… when approached in public.

How to Best Respond to Homeless on the Street
  1. Generally, do not give cash to a homeless person. Too often, well intended gifts are converted to drugs or alcohol - even when the “hard luck” stories they tell are true. If the person is hungry, buy them a sandwich and a non-alcoholic beverage.
  2. Talk to the person with respect. Taking time to talk with a homeless person in a friendly, respectful manner can give them a wonderful sense of dignity. It helps the person fight the isolation, depression and paranoia that many homeless people face.
  3. Share God’s love whenever you can. If Jesus were walking the earth today, He would certainly spend time with the homeless. He would speak with them, heal them, and help them. Today, Jesus chooses to work through people just like you.
  4. Pray for the homeless. Exposure to the elements, dirt, occasional violence, and lack of purpose all drain years from a person’s life. God can use your prayers to bring many of the broken to Himself.
  5. Take precautions for your own safety. Always be prudent while talking with street people. Stay in areas where other people can see you. Don’t take unnecessary chances.
  6. Encourage the homeless to get help at KCRM. Kansas City Rescue Mission offers food and care to any needing help and also provides overnight stay for homeless men.
  7. Support Kansas City Rescue Mission. KCRM receives no government funds. Most of our income comes from people just like you, who have a heart to help the poor and homeless. We are so thankful for your generosity and friendship.
