The Warm Side of the Window
There’s something comforting about watching the snow fall on a quiet Saturday as I sit at my kitchen table. It’s peaceful and it feels like everything I see has been wrapped in a blanket. Until I have to go outside!
What a change there is from one side of the window to the other.
But when I do need to go out in the brutal cold we’ve been experiencing lately, I always know my home is waiting for me. I’m grateful, and I am so very blessed.
I’m sure you know where I’m going with this, but it is worth saying again: Kansas City Rescue Mission is the only “warm side of the window” available for many of our neighbors in need. And when the temperatures turn as cold as it has been this January, it isn’t simply a matter of comfort … it becomes a matter of survival.
With your help our doors remain open, our food piping hot and filling, our beds safe and comfortable. We are here for them, because you’re standing with us.
Thank you!
Rev. Joe Colaizzi
Executive Director